April 1, 2009

Book- The Wednesday Letters- Jason F. Wright

The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright is what his fans have come to expect — a sentimental journey concluding with an ironic twist. Jack and Laurel die the same night and are found the next morning by their employee at the bed and breakfast they own and manage. Their three adult children return home to make the necessary arrangements and hold a funeral. In the process they discover stacks of letters written by their father to their mother every week for the thirty-nine years of their marriage. As the grown children read the letters, they discover new insights about their family, themselves, and forgiveness.
The three children are Matthew, the oldest, who is involved in finance and business. His wife Monica is the stronger voice in their marriage. Then there is Samantha, a divorced would-be actress and mother of one, who has settled for being a small town police officer though her heart isn't in it. The youngest, Malcolm, is running from the law and still very much in love with his old high school sweetheart, Rain. Rain would marry an egotistical man she doesn't love rather than leave her precious hometown. Of the three, Malcolm's character is the best developed.
I really can't comment on copy accuracy as review copies are printed and sent to reviewers before the final copy edit is done. There are several instances where the point of view is switched, leaving the point of view character remembering an event he didn't actually witness or watching himself in an unrealistic manner. Sometimes the head-hopping left me shaking my own head, either in bewilderment or amusement. The characters are fairly neutral characters, neither becoming particularly endearing nor stirring a hearty dislike. The resolutions are stronger on shock effect than reality. Romantics may find something slightly insulting in the romance angle resolution. This is not a specifically LDS book, though the author and publisher are LDS.
Readers who prefer philosophical discussions to action will like this book and it will carry a strong appeal to regional readers who have a soft spot for the Shenandoah Valley, Woodstock, and the surrounding area. The writing style is simple, but the story is not one designed for children or adolescents. Adults of all ages will relate better to the book's message than those with little life experience.
This book's strongest point is the message it carries of the importance of keeping a journal whether in the formal sense or by writing and keeping letters. It exemplifies why letters written to a loved one are one of the most effective ways to keep a journal. There are things expressed in letters that are far more difficult to say in person or over the telephone and they are a wonderful record not just of events, but of feelings, that linger through the years.
According to me:
This book is diffrent from any other book. It tells about love life and family's life in a diffrent way. Problems exist. Even the worst one. But this book teach how to forgive and recieve.
Jack and Laurel Cooper's life is really a good example of a good marriage.
Recieve, accept, forgive and unconditional love...
Great book!

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